Michael El Kadi
Michael El Kadi (born 1991, ORCID 0000-0003-1353-6739) is a Post-Doctoral researcher at the Department Mechanics of Materials and Construction of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel since January 2019. At the same department, he received his PhD degree in 2018 and his diploma in Civil Engineering: Construction and Geomaterials in 2014. His main fields of interest are the experimental characterization, benchmarking and numerical modelling of 3D Textile Reinforced Cementitious (TRC) composites, ranging from flat TRC elements to TRC shell structures under uni-/multiaxial loading conditions. Within the field of TRC, he has developed numerous international contacts resulting in e.g. a research stay in 2019 at the RWTH Aachen (Germany) and joint collaborations with the Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel). He is currently or has been involved in teaching of “Meten & Experimenteren”, “Project Bouwkunde”, “Ontwerpen van Constructies”, “Mechanica van het Continuüm” and “Analyse van Constructies”.
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1050 Brussel