Tine Tysmans
Tine Tysmans (°1983) graduated as Civil Engineer in 2006 at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, after performing an Erasmus exchange year at INSA Lyon. Funded by an FWO grant, she received her PhD degree in 2010 on the topic of thin shell structures in textile reinforced cement composites. One year after obtaining her Doctoral degree Tine Tysmans was appointed as Assistant Professor at the department Mechanics of Materials and Constructions (MeMC) at VUB.
In January 2018, she was promoted to Associate Professor. Tine Tysmans is currently teaching five courses at VUB that relate to her expertise (Structural analysis, Form finding and structural optimization, Civil engineering technology project, Mechanics, Structural design). Her research is driven by the search for innovative material-efficient lightweight structures such as shells, scissor structures or sandwich systems using cement composites. She designs and analyses the mechanical performance of these non-traditional loadbearing structures by means of experimental testing, numerical modelling, form finding and optimisation tools. Her record shows a strongly growing number of scientific publications: more than 50 ISI Web of Science publications, cited more than 400 times (h-index:13).
Valorisation of the research has led to the establishment of VUB spin-off Konligo (www.konligo.com) in 2018, of which she is co-founder. She is highly active in the international community, with academic stays (e.g. Princeton University, ENISE Saint-Etienne), research collaborations (Jimma University Ethiopia, Moi University Kenia, University of Patras, RWTH Aachen,...), and as an active member of two RILEM technical committees.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel