Eleni Tsangouri
Eleni Tsangouri (1987, ORCID: 0000-0001-6553-137X) is an FWO senior post-doc researcher and 0.1 ZAP VUB staff member. Eleni got her Bachelor and Master degree in 2010 from the University of Patras, Civil Engineering School, Department of Structural Materials Lab (SML), Patras in Greece. In 2015, she received her PhD degree from MeMC, VUB entitled ‘Experimental assessment of fracture and autonomous healing of concrete and polymer systems’, a research done in the framework of SIM-SECEMIN and SEPOCOM projects, supervised by Prof. D. Van Hemelrijck and Prof. D. G. Aggelis. She has a decade of experience on the application on several non-destructive methods (acoustic emission, ultrasounds, digital image correlation, among others).
She currently experimentally investigates the fracture mechanisms and damage progress on textile reinforced cementitious composites. She has performed numerous studies to assess the structural integrity and failure of different novel building materials and structural elements. She is member of Rilem technical committees 269-IAM and 290-IMC, EWGAE working group, ACHS, iDICs, NDT.net and DOCOMOMO societies.
She has been the author of 2 book chapters, the author/co-author of almost 40 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and of more than 50 papers in conference proceedings. She is editorial board member of Elsevier journal Developments in the Built Environment and of MDPI journal Applied Sciences and topic editor on MDPI journal Materials. She is the lab assistant and gives lectures in the courses Experimental Techniques and Nondestructive Testing (BRUFACE Master program) and Mechanica van Materialen (3rd Bachelor VUB).
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1050 Brussel