Efstratios Polyzos
Efstratios Polyzos graduated from the department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics at the University of Patras, Greece, in 2019. Later that year, he started as a PhD researcher in the department of Mechanics of Materials and Constructions of VUB.
His current research focuses on the multi-scale analysis of the elastic properties of 3D printed materials with continuous fibres using both analytical theories and numerical methods. Besides that, he also examines the theoretical background of microstructural homogenization of voids in transversely isotropic composite materials, and the stochastic modelling of delamination of 3D printed nylon reinforces with continuous carbon fibres using non-intrusive uncertainty quantification methods. His research includes the analysis of the delamination for composites and 3D printed materials, and by using Micro-CT scanning, he also tries to visualise the voids in 3D printed thermoplastics. Moreover, he’s developing an ABAQUS plug-in for delamination analysis.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel