Didier Snoeck
Academisch personeel
Didier Snoeck (Civil Engineering 2011, PhD in Civil Engineering 2015) is a guest Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is a member of RILEM, active in several technical committees and received the RILEM Gustavo Colonnetti medal.
The main topics of his research include superabsorbent polymers, concrete technology, durability, sustainability, microstructural properties, self-sealing and self-healing of cementitious materials. He is (co)-author of over 65 a1 ISI publications. He is lecturer in the following courses: Bouwmaterialen (3rd bachelor civil engineering and 3rd bachelor architecture) and Mechanica van het Punt (1st bachelor industrial engineering).
VUB - Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel