Panagiotis Kapsalis
Panagiotis Kapsalis holds a Diploma of Civil Engineering (2014) from University of Patras (Greece), and an MSc in Seismic Design of Structures (2017) from the same University. His expertise concerns the structural assessment and the combined structural/energy upgrade of existing structures with advanced materials. Since 2021 he holds a joint PhD diploma obtained for his doctoral studies at University of Patras and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). His main research interests during his doctoral studies focused on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of textile reinforced cement composites (TRC) which he studies experimentally and analytically/numerically. From 2021 to 2023 he worked as a post-doctoral associate to the Structural materials Laboratory at University of Patras assisting in the research interests of the lab, as well as at the services provided to third parties, and the procurement and installation of new equipment. Currently he is a member of MeMC (VUB), and he is involved in various research projects concerning innovative applications of textile reinforced concrete. During his doctoral and post-doctoral years, he had the opportunity to assist in teaching bachelor and master courses, supervise master and doctoral theses, author scientific papers, and participate in international conferences. He is also a member of RILEM TC-IMC: Durability of Inorganic Matrix Composites used for Strengthening of Masonry Constructions.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels