Gilles Vandereecken
PhD student
PhD students
Gilles Vandereecken graduated from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in 2022 as MSc in Civil Engineering. His master thesis - conducted under the supervision of Ir. Eleni Tsangouri - focused on the bonding behaviour under fatigue loading of textile reinforced concrete (TRC) retrofit on masonry structures.
In October 2022, he started his PhD research at MeMC and works on a project on high performance construction materials. This research project, under the supervision of prof. Tine Tysmans, links the high insulation properties of aerogel with the highly mechanical efficiency and lightweightness of 2D/3D TRC in order to develop a high and thermally efficient multi-layer structural element.
VUB - Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel