Arnaud De Coster
Ir. arch. Arnaud De Coster is a PhD researcher at the department Mechanics of Materials and Constructions (MeMC) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). In 2019, he obtained the degree of MSc in Architectural Engineering at Bruface (VUB-ULB). During his master thesis research, supervised by prof. Lars De Laet and prof. Marijke Mollaert, he analysed the aero-elastic movement of fabric structures through an experimental approach. This research enabled him to apply his acquired knowledge about form-active and spatial structures to a new field of study: aerodynamics. His interest in lightweight structures and their structural response combined with an optimal material efficiency, increased even more during his last year of studies.
In October 2019, he started his PhD research at the MeMC in collaboration with ARCH (Department of Architectural Engineering) and defined a research topic about shell structures, in which he combines a geometrical study and structural analysis into one creative process. This research, under the supervision of prof. Tine Tysmans and prof. Lars De Laet, focuses on the development of a design methodology for the facilitated manufacturing of these slender structures through modular configurations.
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